Tuesday 20 September 2016

SilverPOP Integration ASP.NET- Add Contact to silverpop database

Add a Contact

As the name is self explainatory, this interface used to add new contact to an existing database.

For adding the recipient we need to provide the ID of of the database to which we are adding a contact 

along with the values of the fileds which uniquely identifies the row in that database.

There are various elements used along with this API as follows:

LIST_ID : The ID of the database to which you are adding the contact.

CREATED_FROM : Value indicating the way in which you are adding the contact to the system. Values 


0 – Imported from a database

1 – Added manually
2 – Opted in

3 – Created from tracking database

UPDATE_IF_FOUND : If the UPDATE_IF_FOUND element is set to true, attempting to add a contact with a

COLUMN : XML nodes defining the column name and value for fields being added or updated.

SEND_AUTOREPLY : If the database has an autoresponder associated with it and the 

SEND_AUTOREPLY element is set to true, Engage sends the confirmation when the contact is added 

to the database.

///  <summary>
///  AddRecipient API is used to add new contact to an existing database.
///  </summary>
///  <param name="sessionId">Session id.</param>
///  <param name="listId">List id.</param>

///  <returns>Recipient id.</returns>
private string AddRecipient(string sessionId, long listId)

EngageSoapApiClientService_InterfaceClient engage = new EngageSoapApiClientService_InterfaceClient();

AddRecipientRequestType addRecipientRequest = new AddRecipientRequestType(); sessionheadertype sessionHeader = new sessionheadertype(); sessionHeader.sessionid = sessionId;

ListMgmtResponseType listMgmtResponse = new ListMgmtResponseType(); addRecipientRequest.LIST_ID = listId; addRecipientRequest.CREATED_FROM = 2; addRecipientRequest.UPDATE_IF_FOUND = true; addRecipientRequest.COLUMN = new ColumnElementType[]


new ColumnElementType { NAME = "UserID", VALUE = "101" }, new ColumnElementType { NAME = "UserName", VALUE = "abc" }

}; addRecipientRequest.SEND_AUTOREPLY = true;

listMgmtResponse = engage.AddRecipient(sessionHeader, addRecipientRequest); if (listMgmtResponse.SUCCESS)

return listMgmtResponse.RecipientId; else

throw new Exception("Unable to add recipient");


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